Sunday, January 3, 2010

Allred Christmas Party

The Allred Christmas Party: Hosted by Trav and Val this year. Potluck dinner and dessert was DELISH! Thanks for the great time and great memories everyone:)
I posted a lot of pictures trying to get everyone who was there and I still failed to do so. This is a group picture but mostly of the back of everyones head. The problem is when everyone was together we did more video, which is totally awesome!

Dad got Devon's white elephant gift, there were some fantastic and creative ones this year. Dad got an electric plunger, there was a saying on the handle. I'll have to get it from Devon or Dad it was really funny!
I got the T-shirt Jenna made. It says "I went to the Allred White Elephant gift exchange and all I got was this T-shirt" Funny Funny

HA HA Anthony got my old pj's from college. Doesn't he look ADORABLE!!!
Jenna and Devon. CAUUUTE COUPLE
Travis and Jenson
singing in hopes that Santa would make an apperance

almost all the kiddos

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